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Rejecting Bidders

How to reject Bids of subcontractors

Updated over a week ago

1. Direct rejection of the award via Cosuno.

After completion of the negotiation phase, rejections can be communicated directly via Cosuno to invited bidders. The rejection via the platform

  • Reduces the effort required for a manual written response via e-mail to each individual invited bidder.

  • Creates transparency about the project status for all project participants

  • Enables transparency and fairness towards bidders by automatically notifying bidders via Cosuno and informing them of the award status.

2. How to reject your bidders quickly and efficiently.

Reject bidders individually:

Individual subcontractors can be selected via the "Bidders" menu item in the awarding process. To do this, click on the checkbox next to the name of the bidder and then on "Cancel" in the menu box on the right.

In addition, you will be asked whether you would like to inform the bidder about the status of the award.

Reject multiple bidders at the same time:

Via the "Bidders" menu item in the awarding process, you can provide feedback on the award status to several bidders at once. To do this, select the desired bidders by clicking on the checkboxes next to the bidder names. Then click on the "Reject" button at the top of the menu.

You have the option to customize the text in the rejection e-mail. We recommend this option to achieve higher response rates in the future. To do this, click on the pre-formulated text and edit it according to your preferences.

3. What are the advantages of rejecting bidders via Cosuno?

  • Automated notification: Invited bidders are automatically informed of the decision made. No more manual effort is required to create and send rejection notifications.

  • Transparent communication: Fast and direct feedback leads to long-term positive cooperation with contractors and increases the response rate for future projects.

Discover how to award bid packages directly via Cosuno. -> Read more.

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