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Get in touch with the tendering company

How to contact the tendering company and it's contact persons

Updated over a week ago

To contact the tendering company click on "View documents and submit a bid" in the Email you have received or click on the respective bid package in the Bid requests section of your Cosuno profile.

This will open the specific Bid request, on the left side you need to click on "Show all contact persons".

In the following window you can see all contact information of the respective tendering company and it's contact persons.

You can directly contact the tendering company via Cosuno by clicking "Contact tendering company" which opens the following message window. Here you can write a message to the respective bid package contact person and attach any file type if necessary.

After you have sent a message to a tendering company the respective contact person will be notifies by Email and in the app about your message.

You can later review your send message in your message inbox which is located in the top-right corner.

Tipp: This helps with saving all relevant information for you and the tendering company in one central place.

Alternatively you can also use the stored phone number or email to get in touch with the contact person.

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